Saturday, December 26, 2009


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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Now THIS car's interior is beyond dusty!

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The Magic Kingdom

We're annual passholders and use our passes the most during autumn and winter because I simply love the lights and decorations of Disneyland. We went twice this holiday season enjoying each visit as if it were our first.

It was surprisingly crowded especially since temps hovered around 40 degrees. People merrily walked about bundled like Eskimos and patiently waited up to three hours for the best view of the glorious fireworks display and snow.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Newport Beach Boat Parade

Our boat arrived from Long Beach where Dave, the owner sub-leases a slip. He was gracious in inviting several folks from Boo's job to join him for a spectacular evening.

The water was very calm, temperature a comfortable 62 degrees, wind non-existent and clear as far as the eye could see - no fog. We were a party of thirteen and the lights and decorations were spectacular!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Last Minute Christmas Shopping

In previous years I've been so prepared and productive that I had finished my Christmas shopping by Thanksgiving weekend. I normally have a great sense of what to buy for each recipient and I can honestly say that they're never disappointed with their gifts.

This year I knew I'd be off work for two weeks during the holiday so I purposely did not shop early opting to shop at the last minute. Of course, I was hoping for fantastic discounts, which sadly have not materialized. I am hopeful though that they will during the weekend of the 19th.

There's an excitement in the air that permeates everyone as they frantically search for great buys on gifts. Even in all the stress and harriedness folks seem willing to share where to get a good buy and who has the best coupon deals / exchange policy, etc.

The recession is naturally affecting sales and buying patterns but the folks I've encountered have been jovial and friendly, which speaks volumes about the optimism many Americans feel. As long as hope springs eternal all is good.

Friday, December 11, 2009

2009 Christmas Decorations

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Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime® 6.5 or higher is required.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

2009 Christmas Decorations Alhambra CA

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