Sunday, November 20, 2005

Autumn Favorites

1. Favorite Autumn Activity? Cocooning! Yep, I like to sit or lie with Boo and watch a good movie or play board games. Of course, Boo hasn't had much time for that .... are ya reading??? LOL I could sure go for a good game of Scrabble or Boggle.

2. Favorite Autumn Meal? Any kind of soup, stew or chili and there are plenty to choose from. I'm partial to sloppy joes and beef stew.

3. Favorite Autumn Drink? Hot cocoa. I've had hot apple cider but cocoa does it for me.

4. Favorite Autumn Weather? A cool sixty degrees is all right. I can do without the mist or fog, it causes my arthritis to flare. It's cool enough to remind you it's autumn, but not so cold that you don't want to do anything.

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