Friday, January 27, 2006

Misplaced CDs

Don't ask me how, but I've managed to lose five CDs: Mariah's Emancipation of Mimi, Missy's Cookbook, Coldplay's X & Y and Rush of Blood to the Head, and Barenaked's Hits from the Nineties. I'm so upset. I've searched for them and can't find them anywhere. How could five CDs get misplaced? One - I could see, but five. I don't usually cart them around - especially not in groups. Bummer! I really wanted to listen to Coldplay, too and no - I hadn't copied it to my iPod yet.

Obviously, buying an entertainment center didn't help. Is there a robot that helps humans ensure they put their Cds/DVDs on the rack where they belong? That's what I need. A little robot that can follow me around picking up items that I lay down and forget about. I recently found my Madagascar DVD in plain sight, after searching for it for two weeks! Maybe my ghost is acting up?


  1. I'd be trying to lose that copy of Mariah's CD. That woman makes my ears bleed.

  2. Damn, Andrea beat me to the punch. :)

  3. HELLO! Can a gal get a little support from so-called "friends". You all are wrong for this, you know! LOL I'll deal with each of you soon enough!
