Friday, February 16, 2007

Friday Five

  1. For these first seven weeks of 2007, what’s something you give yourself an A for? Eating breakfast daily. This is the meal I least enjoy and am most likely to skip. Yet, nutritionist's say it is the most importat
  2. What’s something you give yourself a B for? Taking time away from the computer. If I can't do what I need to in an hour or less, too bad; it remains unfinished.
  3. What’s something you give yourself a C for? Reading my daily Devotional. I am sometimes reading three days worth because I can't find the time!
  4. What’s something you give yourself a D for? Preparing things for the next work day. I still forget/misplace things that suck up valuable time each morning as I rush off to work.
  5. What’s something you give yourself an F for? Exercising. I continue to fail miserably.

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