Take Me Back Tuesday
Were you ever a member of any "music clubs"? Which ones? Are you still a member? I always wanted to join but my mom wouldn't let me. I finally joined a book club and, after making the requisite purchases, learned my lesson about "minimum purchase".
Columbia House used to offer 12 CDs for a penny. If you could choose 12 CDs what would they be. (Domestic releases only to make it realistic) Gosh, I'm so out of it these days, I totally don't know what's being offered. Any "old stuff" I already own!
What would you change about the music clubs?
~ The limited selection
~ Minimum purchase requirement
~ Paying for shipping on unwanted returned items
~ Automatic shipping of CD of the Month
~ Pricing structure. They're over priced and why must I pay sales tax!
As a public service announcement. The wonderful people at the RIAA dictate a lot of what makes it to the clubs. And the sales tax bit is legality dictated by whatever state you are in.