Monday, June 1, 2009

Twitter Search Blocked

My days at work are long and dismal with no end in sight .... am I in a dungeon cut off from civilization? No, not literally. However since my employer has blocked I might as well be! I am unable to access Twitter from work thus making my day long, laborious and so unkind. I used Summize to stay on top of what was happening locally, as well as abroad. I would also monitor tweets addressed to me, as well as those of a select few I wanted to follow as close to real time as possible.

I have searched for summize-like alternatives that WebSense may be unaware of in the "social media" category but have had no luck. Instead the day drolls on with anal banter and childish behavior among my co-workers. I can bring my laptop with wireless capability but there are no wi-fi networks in my building or immediate surrounding area. It's deader than a doorknob in here.

I'm researching AT&T, Verizon and Sprint wireless solutions hoping that I can entice Boo to agree to yet another expense. Of course one road block is that I'm physically located in the basement and surrounded by concrete and rebar. It's quite possible none of the wireless services will work from my cubicle. A wonderful resource for feature and pricing comparison among providers is the Mobile Broadband site. It seems providers have settled on a 5 gig cap per month at $60 per month.

How is it that the major providers arrived at the same price? Where's the competition? Where's the incentive to switch networks? It smacks of price fixing and I wonder why this has been allowed to stand. Well, this weekend I will broach the $60 expense and hope for the best!

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