Sunday, October 18, 2009

Where there is faith...

Sometime past I tweeted:

Couple expecting / After four miscarriages / First baby for them / Second child for mother / Husband just laid off 1:32 PM Aug 14th from

and I received a very reassuring tweet from @baczo about our Lord providing for those with faith.

Well I thought I should update everyone that the expectant mother is doing just fine on complete bed rest. She's unbelievably cranky but she and her husband are so hopeful that this baby will reach full term.

Her husband begins new employment next Monday in the same industry, working closer to home and the new company understands and is supportive of the pregnancy and how delicate it is.

So with the Lord's blessing, this couples desire to do their part (the footwork) it is very likely everything will turn out favorably and a new life shall enter this world!

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