Friday, February 11, 2011


I haven't shared how Boo bought me the HTC Evo Android phone back in November 2010. I was totally shocked because it's an expensive phone, we'd been Verizon customers forever and the Evo was on the Sprint network.

Now I'd been wanting this phone for awhile and Boo stressed how we'd need to leave Verizon, which I said I was prepared to do. For me the hindrance was the price of the Evo not so much parting ways with Verizon, I had tired of Verizon's nickel and diming me to death when using a phone's features.

I hadn't anticipated Boo buying the Evo just because and surprising me Thanksgiving weekend! I mean who does that?  I was really surprised and still am!

After owning it for three months now  here's my experience:

I love the Evo.

It is the most complicated and featured phone I've ever owned and it has changed the way I use my cellphone.

I mainly use it for tweeting, monitoring  Tweetdeck (it's always running), sharing photos, logging in to Facebook, reading websites, checking email, reading RSS feeds, texting and interacting with friends in real time.

I rarely talk on the phone because I'm not a talker. I prefer to write so friends / family contact me via email or text. I haven't carried my netbook since receiving the Evo, there's no need.

I've used Google's GPS Navigation on a  trip to Santa Barbara and it did a fantastic job of getting us to our destination. We purposely went off route and it redirected us without getting us lost or adding miles.

The GPS has been very accurate when inputting a destination and seeking directions from the point I am at. It has never steered us wrong or taken us out of the way. Also the estimated mileage has been accurate.

I've installed apps (Tweetdeck, Angry Birds, Magic Gems, Red Laser, Yahoo! Mail, Kindle for Android)  just as I do on a regular computer with no hanging or slowing  the OS. The Android OS has been stable and reliable with many apps updating their software monthly.

If I'm reading feeds in Google Reader or tweets on Tweetdeck and a call does come through, I am alerted by the caller's name flashing across my screen and asking if I want to Answer or Decline the call. I normally keep my phone on vibrate as I don't like being interrupted by ringing or a vanity tune. I think this is a great touch and I never worry about missing a call.

Having been with Verizon's CDM network forever I didn't know it is possible to talk on the phone and surf the web, read email, text, etc. while the phone is engaged! I never knew what I was missing so being able to look up a phone number in my contacts as I speak to someone has been a huge "wow" factor.

The Evo's screen is also very crisp and legible and I do not experience eye strain when reading a Kindle book. I have four books saved and appreciate the convenience of reading one when I have the time which not surprisingly is in waiting rooms.

The screen's 3" X 6" size is perfect for game play again usually when waiting and the Evo's clarity makes it easy to have fun and enjoy Angry Birds or Bejeweled. Oh the sound is very good an added bonus when angry birds are well, being angry!

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