Sunday, October 23, 2011

Gaining Perspective

I spent the day with my mom and sister discussing general family matters and discovering that each of us has made adjustments in our finances. I evaluated mine and realized that I had made significant changes. Changes that I can't say I have missed or will miss in the near future.

Another change I am implementing this Wednesday is cancellation of the Netflix DVD service. At a separate cost of $7.99 monthly for one DVD rental at a time we've decided we do not need it. Since Netflix has deemed the rate increase a necessity of doing business, we've deemed their increase unnecessary and inconvenient to our budget.

We will keep Netflix Streaming but if this becomes too costly, flaky or unreliable we will easily and quickly move on to Amazon's Prime Service which I have heard great things about. Since I patronize Amazon receiving two day shipping for all orders would be a great incentive to join!

I don't know anyone who isn't trying to divest of services or products that are not necessary. Everyone is experiencing challenges in this economy and the more ways that I can cut cost, the better. I am focused on convincing Boo to cut the cord. This is proving more challenging than I thought but I'm determined. Our cable bill, like yours, is outrageous!

I wish my city would encourage competition by allowing two cable providers along with DirecTV to offer service in my area. As it stands I have one cable provider and DirecTV. Why most communities operate like mine I don't know. Why can't I have more than one cable company serving my area? Why do I need to feel like a cornered duck out of water? As consumers we should have options.

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