Friday, June 4, 2004


1. Why do you read other blogs? Is it voyeurism? Curiosity? Are you just being nosy? It's definitely curiosity and I believe there is a bit of voyeurism involved. As much as I'd like to think not, the truth is peeking into the life of others is intriguing. I think it's more so in the blogosphere because people are less pretentious than when in front of a TV camera.

2. What is it that keeps you coming back to the blogs you read, regularly? It depends on the type of blog. If it's strictly for news and information about a specific industry/topic, then it's for the continuous updates. Otherwise, it's because I take an active interest in what's going on in that individual's life or enjoy their humor.

3. Do you leave a comment on every blog you read? If not - what is it that motivates you to click the “Comments” link? No, I'm very bad about that which is quite ironic, when you consider that as a blogger, I would appreciate more comments. It's a catch 22, I guess. I figure my comments aren't worth sharing, so I don't leave any. On the flipside, I enjoy receiving comments just because.

4. Speaking of other blogs you read regularly . . you know the protocol by now – list’em!

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