Thursday Threesome
"When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do." -- Walt Disney
Onesome: When you're curious- Is there a specific subject you're especially curious about? A person? A region of the world? An animal? A field of study? I'm curious about the human mind and why we do the things we do. This is why I love watching true crime shows like 'The FBI Files', 'American Justice', 'City Confidential' and reading books about profilers.
Twosome: you find lots of interesting- What do you consider your most interesting trait/ feature? My inquisitivenss and openness to try and learn new things. I definitely have beginner's mind.
Threesome: things to do- What's on your list of things to do everyday, whether you want to or not? Filing, phone calls, homework, chasing around after kiddos, cooking, cleaning, etc. Working at the computer, phone calls, faxing, cleaning, running errands.
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