Tuesday, December 6, 2005

It's been so cold in the mornings, I don't want to leave the house. I had to get gas this morning (I was driving on fumes), so I drove to Costco. Now Costco accepts only ATM/debit cards, Costco Cash cards or specific brand credit cards. I didn't have my ATM card, but luckily Boo had given me a Costco Cash card (which I've now expended).

As I was gasing up, I felt my hands stinging from the bitter cold and wished I had worn gloves (I have like five pairs). I took a good look at those around me and all were wearing wool coats, hats and scarves or hooded jackets - I was the only one wearing a denim jacket! LOL So, it's time to upgrade to the wool and cashmere and that's what I'm going to do now, as I prepare for the rest of the work week. Have a good evening!

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