Saturday, December 31, 2005

Top Five on Friday

Top Five Musical Resolutions

Attend more concerts
Buy a new CD each month (even if it's not a current artist)
~ Try buying some songs via iTunes (a huge shift for me, because I'm a die hard CD in the hand liner notes kind of gal!)
Make more mix CDs for listening in the car
~ Create custom Play Lists on my iPod

To the reader, this is nothing challenging, for me however, it is. I seem to always keep runnig against time and it's the little things that quickly get lost in the shuffle.

1 comment:

  1. Itunes is the work of the devil! I've only bought about 5 songs from that service. Hate it.

    You've launched me on another Itunes/Ipod rant, Elena, you've got to stop that! :)
