Wednesday, October 4, 2006

The New and Improved Blogger is here....

and I'm looking forward to fiddling with and tweaking it. The past three weeks have been quite frustrating when trying to compose or save a post. I've been with Blogger for sometime and hated the thought of leaving, so I'm both excited and hopeful that the change will be good and positive.

Of course the tags, er labels, are a welcome upgrade. I can't tell you how many times I've tried searching the archives for something I remembered blogging. Hmmm, I now must consider devoting time and patience to tagging previous posts??? Ah, I'll let that sit for now as I'm tired and need sleep.

Had a late night Tuesday and am in sleep deficit tonight. If I DVR any more programs I will have to remain on the couch all this weekend to free space for next week's recordings - not a lovely thought. Then again, it's not like there's a chance in hell of this happening as I already have this weekend booked. Oh well...

One final thought: Go Dodgers!!!


  1. Stumbled across your blog tonight...Agree with you on Beta -- much easier to use! I even got my sidebar back when I migrated. Worth every penny I haven't spent!
