Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Looks warm. It's the opposite over here in Portland, Oregon. It only reached 37 or something today/yesterday.

  2. nice and wonderfully warm and sunny.......look at that gorgeous blue sky........and puffy white clouds

  3. Is that photo from SoCal? It almost looks like it's from Hawaii. Great photo!

  4. Wow- the climate shock one experiences surfing the web today!

  5. pretty!!

    Happy Wednesday
    Mine's posted.
    Come check out the new Blogs' Holiday Decorations Parade I've set up!! Hope you can join in on the fun if you celebrate the season!!!

  6. I'm in the Philly area, and great photos like this make me YEARN to leave the East Coast. Sigh...

    I've posted My Pearly Off-Whites, today. Enjoy!

  7. Look at the clear blue sky with puffy clouds! The trees make me think of the tropics! Great sharing photo for WW.
    Happy Wednesday! Mine is up!

  8. Brings back memories of my trip to California a few years back! Cool angle! Happy WW!

  9. No palm trees here in Tennessee...nice picture!

  10. Wow, what a wonderful surprise to receive so many comments and feel your support - thank you!

    Yes, I am in So. Cal. and though the days look like this, don't be deceived...the nights are COLD. We're in the thirties this week and I am freezing.

    Again, thank you for your kind words and taking the time to share.
