Saturday, November 7, 2009

End of Suffering

We received terrible news this morning that Boo's step-mother is terminally ill with colon cancer that has spread to her brain. My mother-in-law has always had strained relationships with her blood relatives, Boo and me so it was both shocking and dismaying thinking about navigating the mine field that is their relationship.

When Boo last visited during summer MIL was still onerous and irritated by everything and everyone. I deeply want for Boo to reach some closure with her so that Boo can begin to heal. The prognosis is three to six months and I've been praying that my MIL, realizing that she's reaching her end, will make an effort to release any anger and resentment in hopes of finding peace and love.

It's terrible that she's alone because she's driven everyone away. Her own sister won't visit and her nephew who lives less than three miles from her doesn't visit. She should be surrounded by supportive family members during this time.

She's hospitalized now but will likely be discharged and sent home with 24 hour care either Sunday or Monday. The doctor has recommended hospice care but she prefers to be in her own home.

I pray that this will be a time for healing; for releasing animosity and forgiving. A time to appreciate how precious life is and that God has given everyone an opportunity to make amends and dispense of petty grievances.

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