Thursday, December 25, 2003

M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S ! ! !

Thursday Threesome

1. Name three new year resolutions.

Darn, I better be sure they're believable and halfway achievable! Okay, lose weight, exercise, and finish reading one book.

2. How will you go about following them? Don't know....just kidding! Consume smaller portions and no snacking, actually use the exercise equipment I already have (I don't need to go to any gym), and pick any book I've purchased within the past two years and actually sit/lie down and read for 30 minutes twice a week.

I'm serious, I used to be an avid reader and it's been years since I've been able to sit down and focus reading a book. It's like, all of a sudden I've become ADD as an adult. Is this possible?

3. Do you think you will accomplish them? Why or why not? I believe the weight loss is doable, as is the exercise routine. Reading and completing one book will be a major challenge for me! Silly as this sounds, it will be the resolution that undoes me.

The Daily Dirt

Ho ho ho! I was hoping everyone will blog at night after the festive night. Otherwise these questions may not be 100% answerable. So here we go...

1. What did you want for Christmas? I wanted another battery for my new Canon S50 digital camera and a new portable walkman-style cassette player. Yeah, some of us still listen to cassettes. Hey, don't mock me! I record several radio programs (yep, I even time shift radio) and enjoy listening to them during my lunch hour. I also wanted a Nikon 5700, but I knew that was a dream!

2. What did you get for Christmas? I received both items that I really wanted in addition to clothing, food items, gift certificates and jewelry - all items that I will use!

3. Who got it for you? Family and friends.

4. Did you like it? Yes, I liked my gifts a lot. I can honestly say that I didn't receive anything I wouldn't have bought for myself.

5. Are you going to return it? Heck, no! I'm keeping everything and using my gift certificates after the "day after Christmas sales". I don't want to hassle with the crowds!

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