Wednesday, December 24, 2003

What's on...Right now?

Some of us are celebrating Christmas tomorrow but I thought I'd still post a question for this week.........Merry Christmas! What's On your mousepad Right Now? Okay don't laugh, I have my mouse, of course, and a nice steaming cup of cocoa and a cookie. Hey, a girl needs energy to blog!

It rained yesterday and the forecasters say it will rain today, but for now, the sun's shining, it's Christmas Eve, my shopping's done, and I'm home on a vacation day enjoying the day! What could be better?

Wednesday Whatevers

1. Why are people so fascinated by celebrities? I often ask myself the same thing. Had Arnie not been a celebrity, would he have won the election in California? I don't think so. I'm not fascinated by them. I don't even watch the various celebrity related programs that air.

I guess, many have a need to escape their own reality, so they focus on the perceived glamour of the celebrities. Of course, the media does a lot to promote this glamourization. Just look at the coverage Michael Jackson received. It was ridiculous! I tried getting real news and every station was focused on the Santa Barbara airport and MJ's impending arrival.

2. Do you believe in oracles/fortune tellers? Explain. I acknowledge their existence but would never seek their services. God has my life planned out for me and as long as I do the footwork and follow His path, I'll get to the destination He has planned for me. I'm no hurry to start making changes!

3. Do you ever plan to get married? I've been happily married for 23 years!

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