Thursday, December 18, 2003

Thursday Threesome

::The Christmas Song, Part II::

Onesome: Chestnuts-- Okay, just which Christmas food won't you touch? I

mean, even when Auntie Sarah is serving it up with a big smile! Definitely a fruit cake! My mom likes fruit cake and has tried to help me acquire a taste for it. Let's just say, it hasn't happened and never will!

Twosome: Roasting Then again, which Christmas food are you willing to risk

life and limb for, even when Uncle George is between you and the platter? Capirotada which is Mexican bread pudding primarily made during Lent. However, my mom makes it for Christmas as a special treat!

Threesome: on an open fire Heh. This line reminds me of a joke! Do you have

a favorite bit of holiday humor? How about it? I don't know how "humorous"

this will be for others but, my neighbors have said that our house looks

like 'The Griswolds' (i.e. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation) household.

Why, they say such things is beyond me.

I do decorate outside with a few lights here and there. And, I sometimes place lit figures on the lawn or anchored to the walls. Do these decorations place me in the same category as The Griswolds? I don't think so. So what if you can read a novel by the illumination of the outdoor lights!

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