Weekend Wonderings
1. What do you think legal drinking age should be? Why? I think the age 21 minimum suffices. I know some feel it should be increased to 25, but I think 21 is working just fine.
2. What do you think the minumum age for voting should be? Why? 18 years is good enough. Many eighteen year olds are responsible thinkers and some are keenly aware of what's going on. I don't believe it should be lowered.
3. What minumum age do you think someome should be before they're drafted to war? Why? The minimum draft age should be 25. At 18 years they're not emotionally prepared for the horror of war. God forbid, they should become a POW.
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4. Do you think the draft should be implemented now for Iraq? Why? Definitely not. Besides, I Bush declared victory months ago and said "we are not at war", so why do we now need the draft?
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