Saturday, June 5, 2004

Weekend Wonderings

1. Would you say that you're happy with yourself the way you are? Yes, I am very happy with myself.

2. If you could change one thing about yourself (bodily or personality-wise) what would it be and why? I'd lose weight for health reasons. It's better to be underweight than at the perfect or over weight.

3. Are you the kind of person who always puts others first, or do you concentrate on making yourself happy? I put others first when it's proper. However, if I'm sacrificing my safety or happiness, than no. It must be within reason.

saturday-8:: car shopping and OUCH

i was in an accident which totalled my car a bit over a week ago, and now have a double ear infection and some creeping crud in my throat. here we go!

1. when was the last time you went car shopping, either for your own car or for someone else's? Whoa, maybe three years past.

2. when was the last time you had an ear infection? what did you do? It's been so long, I can't remember!

3. i was lucky enough to find a car that my mechanic had to sell. unfortunately, i need to wait for 1.5 weeks before it's ready. how long have you ever had to wait on a car repair? One very long and inconvenient week. After that, we switched mechanics!

4. i can't swallow well at all. what do you do when you have a horribly sore throat? I boil water, squeeze a fresh lemon in the cup of hot water and add a teaspoon of honey. This not only coats the throat but soothes soreness.

5. i gave my mechanic a down-payment for the car, and will owe them approximately $3K, which i'll be paying off when i can. i haven't had a car payment in 5 years. do you have a car payment currently? Nope and I'm one happy camper!

6. i skipped a trip to the dr's because i knew what i had, and instead got some doxycycline from a neighbour like i did the last time i had this double ear-infection/crap throat thing. have you gotten antibiotics or prescription drugs from someone who was NOT a licensed pharmacist? No. That's taking a huge chance with your health.

7. have you ever been in an accident so severe that the car was totalled? if not, tell us about a totalled car of someone you know. My nephew K. totaled his Toyota Celica. It was so bad, that when neighbors saw the car, they inquired if K. had survived. The entire front end and driver side was smashed down.

8. when i was in high school, i was sick with mono for 2 months. i was SO weak, i had to sleep by the toilet for one week because i could not walk. what was the longest that you have ever been sick? I once had bronchitis for 2-1/2 months and finally switched doctors. The new doctor got me over it.

The Weekly Bit

1. What are you favorite things to do during the summer? BBQ, stay outside in the warm evenings, walk in the neighborhood, go to the beach, sit on the porch, play games!

2. Are you an outdoors person? Yes. I love being outdoors in the summer heat.

3. Beach, pool or lake? Beach. It's a lot more crowded, of course, but there are some great people watching opportunities! LOL

4. What are you favorite summertime memories? Terrific BBQs, great movie releases, staying up late and endless days.

5. Will you be going on vacation this summer? No. When I do vacation, it will be in the fall once the tourist season dies.

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