Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ten on Tuesday
10 Things You'd Take With You on a Desert Island

~ iPod
~ Extra batteries
~ Food
~ Water
~ Music
~ Cell phone
~ Photos of family and friends
~ Extra clothing
~ Flashlight
~ Fire starter with matches

Hey, it's an imaginary circumstance, so why not geek out and enjoy myself in the process!


  1. Quick! What are the 10 essentials???!!!

  2. Knife, compass, map, fire starter, extra water, extra clothing, food, first aid kit, matches, sunglasses and some would argue for an 11th item.....cell phone! Whew, did I pass?

  3. ha ha howsabout both - helicopter or plane with enough fuel to get me the heck outta there, some scintillating company to help me while the hours I'm there, a few bottles of wine to help that along, some friends to have a laugh with, sunnies, water, food, shelter, clothing, matches.
