Saturday, February 21, 2004

saturday-8 :: springtime?

well, today in orlando we're hitting a high of 80 degrees F. whoo!

1. what is the current weather like in your area, and what will be your high temp. for today? Oooh, I'm jealous! I'm stuck in L.A. with rain, wind and 63 degree weather. Not funny and no fun.

2. today i'm getting all industrious ... i'm mulching all the oak leaves in my front yard. do you have a yard, or do you live in an apartment or a condo? I'm in a duplex and thankfully, don't have to worry about yardwork. I'm no green thumb and gardener.

3. do you like yardwork? or would you rather pay someone to do it for you? Oh, I'll gladly pay someone to do it. I have no qualms about that!

4. let's talk gardens ... even though i love planting rosebushes and annuals, i HATE to garden. i am not 'big' into veggies, and don't want to 'waste' an area of my backyard to cultivate them. do you have a garden, or want to have one? I would like to have a garden. It might prove quite a meditative experience.

5. what is your 'dream yard' - white picket fence with a few potted plants, a water-conservative xeriscape yard, or a beautifully-sculpted sea of green, or something else? I would like to have a yard with roses, chinese lillies, poppies, etc., but I'd need a gardener to care for them. Otherwise, I'd kill them in a matter of weeks! Yes, I am no gardener.

6. i am prone to sunburn as i'm irish/english and slightly freckled. i'm going to have to load up on the spf today as it's sunny. are you a sun-lotion nazi, or fairly blase about getting pink? I don't turn pink/red. I'm a native Californian and appropriately 'brown'. LOL I'm ready and waiting for the sunshine.

7. i'm having an ex-student come over and help me buy a lot of yard stones to line my flowerbeds - i can't lift them all, and he's got a truck and lots of muscles! i HATE figuring out how much to pay someone for help. what do you think is a good fee for about 4 hours of yardwork (and stone-moving) and use of his truck ... i will be feeding him lunch and have an electric water cooler? :) I would say a solid $100.00 would be fair. There's a lot of wear and tear on his truck. It's more than just the gas, you know. Also, muscles or not, it's hard work and he deserves to be fairly compensated.

8. i have gift cards to home depot to buy my yard stones and will be shopping there, although there is a lowe's right behind my house. do you have a favourite place to shop for yard stuff? I do and it's Home Depot all the way! I like their variety and prices. They also offer neat classes at convenient times.

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