Thursday, April 15, 2004

The Thursday Threesome

::Insomnia, the Cure for Sleep::

Onesome: Insomnia-- Ever have it? Some do and some don't, but have you ever been hounded awake for that endless hour after hour with no hope of sleep? ...or does the very act of touching head to pillow put you out for the count? Oh yeah, I've had it bad. The longest spell I had was three weeks. I was so tired during the day and my body ached, but come nightfall, I was wide awake.

Twosome: the cure-- Hey, if you do have the occasional bout or chronic insomnia, what do you do about it? Work? Read? Try cures? Hmmm... Did you ever find one that worked? I never found a cure that I was aware of . It suddenly ended and it took me almost a month to feel okay again. I always felt like I was in sleep deficit mode.

Threesome: for sleep-- Female/male, young/not so young, we all need varying amounts of sleep. What's your personal sleep cycle? Five hours? Ten hours? ...and if you had a choice, what would be your personal sleep cycle? ...and yes, "All day long" is a valid answer I need a good eight hours sleep. I wish I could function on four or five hours, but alas, eight is what I require. Anything less and I'm guaranteed to be yawning and napping during the lunch hour!

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