Thursday, August 12, 2004


I don't know why, but I didn't blog about my FIL having a heart attack last Friday, 8/6. He's 84 years old, not in good health at all and already has a pacemaker. The cause of his heart attack is a leaky heart valve. Well, yesterday afternoon we were told that he'd been rehospitalized due to pneumonia.

Any patient developing pneumonia is never ever a good thing, but most especially the elderly or infants. FIL isn't looking well and we're now concerned about dementia. He doesn't seem to remember things as he normally would. It seems he won't be released until the weekend and we're thankful that he's receiving professional care.

For my spouse, the most difficult hurdle has been recognizing that FIL is indeed fraile and elderly. It's one thing to know a parents age, it's another to truly realize and accept that not only do they look their age now, they're truly old. It's been a very challenging week and I pray He sees FIL and us through this.

Parting thoughts

What is up with my niece disconnecting her home phone and not letting me know? I mean, have I been like divorced by her family and someone forgot to email me??? I know I've been a little out of sorts lately but, can you give a gal a break?!

Why am I hearing so many jets/planes flying over my home? Did the flight plan suddenly change and we're it now? It's annoying to hear so many loud engines at 7 minute intervals. Does anyone remember Cerritos, CA when a jetliner crashed over several homes and decimated a neighborhood?

Final thought: what happens to socks? Specifically, why are they destined to remain unpaired? What am I do with them?

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