Monday, August 9, 2004

Monday Madness

1. Whtat's "it" all about, anyway? It's about living our lives to the fullest without PURPOSELY harming other beings.

2. What radical political ideas do you have, if any? I don't know!

3. Do you believe that you 'fit' the profile of your astrological star sign? As much as I want to believe it's rubbish, yeah, I do. Of course, they're very ambiguous, so how could I not fit the profile?

4. Will blogging survive 2005 or is it a fad? I've wondered about this a lot. Several blogs have gone under and many that remain, are trying to derive revenue streams. I believe blogging is for the fun and/or catharsis. I'm not sure that it will survive in the numbers we're now accustomed to. The die hards remain, but as the phenom that it is, probably not.

5. Do you Ebay? If so, what and how often? Is it a full-time job, part-time hobby, or just to clear the junk from your house? No, but I wish the person that asked this question would share with us how to. I have so much stuff that I need to get rid of and some ideas for items I'd like to sell in a store setting. eBay's very interesting when you think about its global marketplace is unsurpassed.

6. True or False: When I vote, I am all for one party. True

7. Meat or veggie sauce on your spaghetti? What's spaghetti without the meat sauce? Where's the oomph in that?

8. Would you ever be on a TV Reality Show? Well, as much as I'm already on a blog reality show, I wouldn't do TV. Now there would be a face and body attached to it and I'd have to do yucky things, no thanks.

9. What is one thing (or place) that you would like to do (or see) that you have not yet done (or seen?) I would like to sky dive once and do before my 60th birthday, which is a long ways off, so I have plenty of time and HINTS to drop! LOL

10. Do you answer memes honestly? Boy, do I. I sometimes question if I should.

Should I be so frank in answering. I mean, who's going to know, right? Then, I start thinking that if I don't, then what's the point in answering them at all? I'm fooling no one but myself.

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