Monday, June 27, 2005

Baker's Dozen

~ Oh man, the new DVR has saved my bacon three times already. We are loving it so much!
~ Intended to go to Borders for a latte and read. The router, DSL modem and wireless card have been sitting for about week, patiently waiting for my attention. Remained home instead and started working on connecting the wireless router.
~ The desktop is hardwired to the router and working flawlessly. No big deal pretty seamless hook up!
~ The notebook may have viruses. Playing it safe by scanning and reformatting. Let's not talk about the reinstallation of software, okay?
~ Scanning and reformatting can take forever.
~ "Is everything fixed yet?"
Boo excitedly anticipating surfing on the notebook.
~ The notebook with wireless card sees the router, but doesn't connect. I've been at it four hours. Time to call tech support.
~ Two hours later and the notebook still won't talk to the router.
~ "Let's watch Six Feet Under. Relax. There's always tomorrow."
~ D-Link Tech: "I'm beginning to think it's the router. It may be defective. Return it."
"Ugh. I've already removed the UPC label for the rebate. Will Circuit City take it back? Don't I need a RMA number?"
D-Link Tech: "Use this case number when you go and call us back."
~ Circuit City was awesome. Absolutely great! They exchanged the router and wireless card - no questions asked. This is why I love dealing with Circuit City. They removed the new contents from their respective boxes and placed them in the old boxes with the UPC label missing. It's all totally cool.
~ Woo hoo, at 8 p.m. both computers were online and surfing. The notebook is zipping along as fast as the desktop - I love it! Happy dance!!! "You're obviously very tenancious!"
Boo's observation of the Router Weekend. LOL

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