- Ripping songs for spouse's MP3 player. I've been remiss in doing so and was tactfully reminded! LOL "Uh, your 512 meg card is full and you need a one gig card to fit your sixties collection."
Apprising spouse of the MP3 player situation. A gal can do only so much, you know.
- Checking my iSold It email for an update on the auction and realizing iSold It typed an incorrect email address for me. Doh! No update yet.
- Why are products so tightly shrink wrapped that a person can pull a muscle trying to open it!?!
- Damn, gas prices have decreased to $2.25 per gallon. Wow, such a deal. Hold me back!
- Swinging with Buddah and watching the birds tease him.
- "What do you think about the Michael Jackson trial?"
Neighbors: "He's gonna walk. There's not enough evidence. Of course, his image is forever tarnished. But it's not like we didn't already know what a freak he is!"
Discussion of Wacko trial.
- Eating a Tommy burger and realizing it's been ten years since I've eaten one. Punky had to quench her craving and no one would accompany her. We wanted to be good sports and ended up having a great time.
- I'm being stalked by a litter of kittens. One brazen fur boy has taken residence on my porch swing and just stares at me when I'm trying to intimidate and coax him to leave.
- Overcast mornings and high 70 days, make for the perfect day to wash cars.
- Watching spouse clearing brush the gardener didn't take care of. The gardener's days here are so limited.
- Punky's cravings continue and tonight was taco night. We enjoyed watching the women's softball championship. I had to be "filled in" on a lot, since I'm not a sports fan.
- Woo hoo, all new episodes of Family Plots and 4400 tonight and Six Feet Under tomorrow. Repeats of Desperate Housewives tonight too, since I missed most of the show during the first run.
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