Wednesday, October 13, 2004


Boy, did I receive a rude awakening today. I was checking on pricing for a new camera phone Isaw advertised, when I thought to inquire about the photos. Does one receive a cable to download the photos to the hard drive? "No, that's an accessory and extra charge. That's how we make the brunt of our money. Each photo sent to a website or individual email is 25 cents." I can imagine how quickly the extra charges add up and was dumbfounded by the answer.

I regularly check out moblog sites (the act of sharing your camphone photos with others by posting them on a website) and some have five to ten photos daily. At five photos daily, seven days a week for one month (four weeks) that's a total of $35.00 in addition to the base rate! Damn, are people really paying these prices or do you have better rates? Someone please explain this to me. At this rate, I'll never moblog!

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