Tell us about a memorable shocking (or odd, interesting, valuable) discovery. Example: Mom lied. No matter how many goofy faces I make my face will NOT get stuck like that forever. Or -- if you wrap celery in aluminum foil it will stay fresh and crispy for weeks. Or -- Trix really ARE for kids!. You get the point.
As a teenager I could be quite rebellious, but I always knew where to draw the line. My friends and I had purchased tix to see Blue Oyster Cult at the Long Beach Arena. My mom overheard my telephone conversation, confirming the time we were meeting, where we'd eat, etc. After hanging up, my mom informed me that I would not be attending the concert because I had not asked her permission prior to buying the ticket.
I was not only desvastated but totally angry. I told my friends "come hell or high water, I'll be there!" As the concert date neared, my mom reiterated her position, adding that if I went, I could not return home. I would be locked out. Well, as angry as I was and as rebellious as I was, I didn't cross that line. I sulked, glared and visualized all manner of revenge, but in the house I remained. Years later, I found out my mom would have let me back in the house! LOL
This week, some "getting to know you fun" with a wittle wobble.
01. If you had an off/on switch, what would you want it to switch off/on instantly? I'd switch off people whining about situations that they are unwilling to change or do anything about. They know what they need to do, but continue to whine and seek sympathy.
02. Your favorite celebrity will be knocking on your door in exactly one minute. Considering you only have one minute, what would you do before you answer the door and how would you greet them? I would check my appearance and teeth and say, "Hi, it's pleasure to finally meet you. I've enjoyed your body of work immensely and it's brought me a lot of joy."
03. If you could save time in a bottle, what time(s) would you save? The years my sister Alice was still with us (pre-illness), the times my mom and I would go to Disneyland by bus, my married years - we've grown and changed so much.
04. Look around you. First, tell us what room you're in. Now, name the first red thing you see ... likewise blue, and yellow. I'm in my dining room and I see my Halloween wall hanging.

05. If you had a peephole in your head, what might people see when they peep in? The prankster in me plotting and scoping! Just today B. was working in her cube, I hunkered, slowly walking to her cube. Suddenly, I entered it bellowing "ACK!", B. jumped in her chair and gasped. I laughed so heartily and sauntered away. B. was beet red and speechless!
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