Sunday, October 10, 2004

Off Mood

I've been in a semi-funk lately and I know it's because we've been receiving distressing news from friends facing health challenges or their loved ones being terminally ill. It's been within the past two weeks that this has been happening and seems like everyday there's another challenge. I'm usually pretty resilient, but I lost it last night, when we received a phone message from our landlady.

In August of this year, she had told our neighbor S., that she needed to move out by September 30th, so she and her terminally ill husband could move in. Well, everyone in our little community was distraught because we knew it spelled imminent change and it wouldn't necessarily be for the better.

S. shared her struggle in finding anything she liked that was affordable. Everything was very expensive and too small or too far from her work in Hollywood. Each day the deadline drew nearer and S. was wondering what the hell she was going to do! Suddenly, in mid-September the landlady phoned S. and told her she didn't need to leave. No real explanation, she said they'd simply changed their mind.

So okay, now everyone's wondering what's going on and who, if anyone, will be next should they change their mind again. So, Saturday's voice mail sent a chill through my spine and a rock in my stomach when she said, "I need to speak to you and tell you what the situation is". I just knew she'd picked us to ask to move.

I prayed all night and well into this morning and thankfully, we do not need to move. However, her husband is definitely in the later stages of his illness and alas, I don't believe he'll be with us much longer. We've agreed to assist her in anyway we can and are in the process of doing so now. So, to Mr. & Mrs. Y., our prayers and blessings are with you and thank you for not setting our household into a frenzy!

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