Thursday, November 18, 2004

Disaster Drill

Today spouse had an emergency drill at work, keep in mind that B. works at a hosptial. So during the disaster drill hospital personnel were posing as injured victims with a variety of ailments and injuries. Doctors, nurses and ancillary staff were at their stations ready to process the injured.

Processing consisted of a series of pre-determined questions, designed to expedite the admission process. The questions, typical of any hospital, were quite extensive and thorough. One 'victim' became alarmed and ran off, much to the surprise of the drill participants. Confusion spread and some believed this victim's action to be part of the drill, while others were positive this wasn't part of the script.

As it turned out, the 'escapee victim' was, in fact, not a dummy patient and was in genuine need of care! He became alarmed by the questioning and urgency of the staff and ran off. Oh, B. and I laughed, and laughed, and laughed about how frightened this man must have been. I said, "He probably thinks you guys are body snatchers!" Oh Lord, the best made plans.

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