Cable v. DSL
After using both for three months I have to say that cable internet is much faster, but does it warrant a $20 monthly price increase? Ah, there's the conundrum...I don't feel it does, especially since I'm not on the net more than an hour or two daily. Now if I had a home business or was constantly uploading large files, then I'd gladly pay the $20 surcharge. Still, when we have to give up cable internet in June it's going to be mighty sad, unless, of course, the cable company is willing to cut us a price break to woo us away from DSL!
Our cable TV service has sucked big time lately and was interfering with my CNN Prime Time News and cable channels. We got them out here on Saturday and the guy took awhile to diagnose the problem as being an improper connection at the pole. Yea, he had to go climbing which I'm positive he didn't appreciate. I thought he was going to switch out our cable box which is a combo DVR and I was ready to scream bloody murder because I have taped shows on both boxes. Thankfully, he just had to climb in the rain and fix it.
I disagree. I have used cable at work and DSL at home and my DSL is much faster. Plus our cable company is a bunch of wankers.