Saturday, March 25, 2006


Okay, I finally have new additions and still don't understand the long drought I've experienced, but at least I'm on my way to ending it. Perhaps it's because Spring has arrived!!

I am not a huge Michael Jackson fan, I wouldn't even say that I am a fan today. However, I do appreciate his past work and for this reason bought the History DVD, because I love the Thriller mini-movie, as well as the Billie Jean and Beat It videos.

I also bought Led Zeppelin's Inside Led Zeppelin purely out of a desire to see the band perform some of my favorite songs. Afterall, it's not like I'll ever get to see them live or anything.

Finally this CD of Three Dog Night live at the Forum is an old favorite that my sister G. would play a lot. The vinyl's been long lost and forgotten, so I opted for the next best thing. I listened to it all day yesterday and it was like coming home. Oh the memories just flowed.

I've been feeling very nostalgic and have desired to buy things I've considered over the years, but have failed to follow through. There's something very exciting about peeling away the cellophane and opening the jewel case. It's like Christmas all over again only the gift of music just keeps on giving. I feel like a little kid on Christmas morning! LOL

Ooooh, Boo surprised me with tickets to see Van Morrison at the Hollywood Bowl on April 21st - the first concert of 2006 and I am ready! It was especially sweet since it was a total surprise. I think I mentioned a year or so past how I would love to see him in concert. Didn't know how much Boo was listening - thank you, Boo!!

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