Friday, October 1, 2004

FQ TOPIC: Danger

FQ1: What happened the last time you felt yourself to be in danger? I really had to think back for this. Last year I was driving in the fast lane when the car's engine died on me. It flat out died while in motion! Immediately I looked in the rearview mirror and saw an SUV speedily approaching. I signaled and fumbled with the hazard lights and prayed that motorists would let me get to the shoulder before coming to a full and complete stop. Thank God I was driving downhill when it happened.

FQ2: How do you generally react when faced with a dangerous situation? I'm contained and do not panic. I'm really glad about that. I sometimes amaza myself with how clearly and logically I proceed. Even if I'm scared, I still function and take charge.

FQ3: What's something you enjoy doing that has an element of danger to it? Nothing really. I can't think of one thing. Am I boring or what? I don't scuba dive, jet ski, ski period, do extreme sports...none of that.

FQ Gallery: Post a dangerous photo. This was captured at the Los Angeles County Fair. I don't envy this person one iota! LOL

Bungee jumper exiting the safety basket!

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