Saturday Senses
I had a hard time coming up with questions this week. Then I remembered those psychological tests where you´re prompted to imagine a scene and your answers say a lot about what´s in your subconscious. So, although I cannot analyze the results ;-) I thought it would be fun to see what´s deep inside your minds, or at least, how creative you can get using your senses. I opened an exception to make things more interesting, so instead of having one question to each of the five senses, I added questions as they were needed, and i also added the 6th sense :-). As a rule, go with the first thing you think of. Remember, this is not to test your fiction writing abilities, but to symbolically reveal your deepest feelings. Have fun!!!
Here´s the scene: you start walking from nowhere and its completelly dark.
[6th sense]:: How do you feel about being in the dark? As you walk, do you feel that there´s something good or bad ahead? If there's anything bad or scary up ahead, I'll immediately feel it in my gut. It's not pain or discomfort, it's just a feeling of unease. I'll trust my instinct and turn around. I've learned to trust my intuition!
[smell]:: First you smell something. What is it? It's a foul, acidic odor. It assaults my nose and makes my eyes tear. It's beer!
[hearing]:: Then you hear something. Can you identify what it is? Where does it come from? Is it loud? Is it pleasing, scary, irritating? Off in the distance, around the bend in he darkness I hear the crackling of dry twigs and brush snapping under the weight and pressure of many shuffling feet. It's not a scurrying, like animals do.
[touch]:: Is it cold or hot? What are you wearing? What do you feel beneath your feet as you walk in the dark? It's a crisp, foggy evening and my boots don't allow my feet to feel anything, but I can feel drops of moisture on my face and hair. Damn! My hair's frizzing up! So much for straight hair!
[sight]:: Things start to clear up. What do you see? Where are you? What´s around you? Describe your environment. It could be anything, realistic or not. Oh dear, the ground's becoming more uneven and harder to navigate in the pitch blackness. Ouch! My face was just slapped by a pine branch with sharp bristles. Great, now I'm gonna be all scratched! Oh man, now I've got sap in my hair. Does it get any better?
[taste]:: Is there something in this place that you can drink or eat? What is it? Do you eat/drink it? Whew, a campfire in the distance. Maybe I can score a roasted a marshmellow or two? Or, at the very least, a glass of water.
[touch]:: Now that you can see what´s around you, do you touch anything? How do you interact with this environment? Boy, this bunch is totally toasted, I don't think they're the 'roasting marshmellow type'. Ooohh but wait....WAIT....I see dogs on the fire! Woo-hoo, they're drinking themselves to oblivion and I've got hot dogs and buns I'm in heaven! Hell, they don't even notice that I'm not part of their party.
[sight]:: You now realize there´s an exit. Do you want to get out or would you rather stay? Why? Describe the exit. Do you leave?' This is getting boring. Now they're reminiscing about the 60s, that was before my time. I was just a kid! The dogs are gone. There's no more bottled water and I'm getting colder. Shoot, there's no more wood for the fire. I better move on to plusher accommodations and dessert! I'll stand by that large boulder and, when no one's looking, inch my way around it and disappear into the night!
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