Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Wednesday Whatevers

1. Given the chance, would you like to live in outer space? Explain. I

would, but only if all of my loved ones could go with me. What's the point

of being there, alone and without the support and love of my loved ones?

2. Are prenuptials a good idea, or pessimistic? Yes, they're realistic. We

live in a very litigious society and there's nothing wrong with preparing

for the 'worst case scenario'. Small businesses, huge corporations, senior

citizen communities, etc. all have a 'worst case scenario' disaster plan.

Marriage is one of the most important relationships you'll ever have. Why

shouldn't it be given the same consideration?

3. What is your favorite type of weather? HOT! HOT! HOT! Leave me in the low

80s to 100s - I *love* it!

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