Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Wednesday Whatevers

1. How do you think criminals should be punished? I do believe in capital

punishment, though, I feel that prisoners are given far too many rights that

they have not earned. TV, weight rooms, recreation, etc. should not be a

given. It should be something they earn the right to.

2. Do you prefer intellectual conversations, or lighter topics? Why? It

depends on the occasion. Either is fine. Both can be stimulating as they

each offer opportunities to learn something new.

3. In what kind of atmosphere do you think best? Quiet, contemplative places

and/or moments. I can be seated in my car, in a crowded parking lot with all

manner of noise and chaos surrounding me. However, in my car, I may be

listening to classical or alternative music and this allows me to sort

through a lot of things at my pace and in peace. I'm not easily distracted

by others.

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