Monday, March 29, 2004

Sadly, today's the end of my mini-vacation. I have had a wonderful being off with my spouse and just enjoying ourselves. I slept in today and was eating breakfast at 11:30 a.m. - a rarity for me.

I made it to the camera shop this afternoon to submit my photos for free printing. I didn't think I'd make the deadline for this month but, seeing as how I was even dreaming about it, I figured I'd try and the worst they could do is admonish me and tell me no. Thankfully, we were assisted by a very cool and laid back guy with a terrific sense of humor.

Also, for the first time in months I wore sandals and my little sausages saw the light of day! LOL It was so warm today that I would swear it was 90 degrees. My niece bought me a cute Tigger shirt for my 24th anniversary and I wore it for the first time today. It fit perfect and the material is thin - thankfully. All day we drove around with the air conditioning on!

Oh yeah, for any folks with an Office Max in your area, check out the CDR special they're running this week: 100 pack CDR for $19.99 less a $20.00 mail-in rebate, your cost is $0.00. I couldn't pass this one up! Sadly, I was able to find only one package. They'll get a new shipment in on Wednesday....guess where I'll be??

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