Thursday, September 23, 2004

3x Thursday:: Musicality

1. How do you get your music/new music these days (radio, tv, internet, friends)? What kind of music are you into right now? I still buy my music from or at Circuit City, Best Buy or Costco. I never pay over $11.99 for a CD, I don't care how badly I want it.

2. By which medium do you recieve music? Do you still buy CDs, or do you buy the albums in digital form? Or both? I buy the actual CD, I don't buy AAC or MP3 or WMA files from online music services. I'm stuck on wanting the best quality possible, so it's the actual CD for me!

3. What is your opinion about downloading music without purchasing it? Do you believe it really hurts record sales? Is anyone but the RIAA really suffering? If you're speaking of the usual form for rating record sales, then of course, it hurts record sales. A new system of measurement needs to emerge and become mainstream that gauges online music sales and sales via the Net. The record store conglomerates are from an outdated era.

I think artist deserve to be paid for their work and creativity, hell, no one wants to created and work for free - come on now! But, I think it's also incumbent upon artists to band together and dismember the old system and regime. Stop signing your rights and likeness away for the promise of a coveted contract.

Open your eyes and see that ownership of the music and lyrics is key. If you sign it all away, don't bitch at me (the listener) you're taken advantage of. Your sightsighted want for gain got you into this me, not me. Reinvent the system by refusing to sign with labels and maintaining control and ownership of your music.

If the labels don't get new acts, they're gonna have to come to the table eventually. They'll realize that artists aren't willing to be paid Pennies on the dollar for each album/song sold, while the labels walk away with 80% and distro with 15%.

Bonus Question for Comments: Do you think that the internet a good source for new (or stuff you'd never really think about listening to) music? How? Why/Why not? I think it is if you know Where to look. There are a lot of folks that say, "the best way to find new music is to go directly to a band's site." Okay, but that implies that I am aware of their existence to begin with and, armed with their name, can begin to search for their site.

There a lot of band's who I'm unaware of - a lot. There's no central site or server where indies agree to post their music, gigs, or information. It's a free for all. Sure we have IUMA and garage band and we used to have, but none of these are The site where indies agree to post their info. I think if we get that, eventually indie artists will have a location where they can jump off and promote their music.

The Thursday Threesome

Crockpot Marmalade Chicken::

Onesome: Crockpot-- Hey, Winter is just around the corner! Does that mean crockpot meals for you? ...and how about the students: When you get home for the holidays will Mom have had something simmering all day? Oh yeah, these are the easiest and tastiest meals to prepare and the house smells so wonderful when you come home.

Twosome: Marmalade-- Chunk style or creamy? Do you even do jams, jellies and peanut butters with bits and pieces in them? ...or is that something you like have stocked on the shelves? I buy jams and jellies with chunks no problem but, when it comes to peanut butter, it'd better be creamy and smooth.

Threesome: Chicken--pot pies? Do you love 'em or hate 'em? Simple, -eh? ...and if you love 'em, where do you find good ones? ...or is that even possible ? I like chicken pot pies and I find them at The Claim Jumper or the diner of Main in my town. A delicious and hearty meal!

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