Monday, September 27, 2004

Monday Madness

Name THREE of your........

1. Pet Peeves: people jumping to conclusions and making mountains out of mole hills, folks who won't read directions but want you to fix it, people who don't listen and ask the very question you've just answered.

2. Favorite Sounds: Buddah meowing, my spouse's voice in the morning, my mother's voice.

3. Desk Items: card reader, 256 meg flash drive, black Sharpie.

4. Biggest Fears: Tornadoes, hurricanes, water.

5. Biggest Challenges: Weight, balance, getting everything done.

6. Newest 'Toys': External 160 gig USB 2.0 drive, internal 120 gig drive, 1 gig CF card.

7. Most Used Words: Shazam!, I love you, Thank God!

8. Most misspelled Words: accommodation, imbecile, fuchsia.

9. Favorite Disney Characters: Tigger, Tinkerbell, and Minnie Mouse.

10. Bookmarks on Your Homepage:,,

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