Saturday, January 10, 2004

Saturday Senses

How about some whining and complaining this week?

[sight]:: Name 2 things that annoy you on/about television. Commercials and every news channel covering the same car chase forever.

[taste]:: Name 2 of the worst tasting foods or drinks you ever had. Beer and peanut chowder.

[smell]:: Name 2 smells that you can´t stand and why: A skunk and cat's spray. They're offensive, hard to get rid off, and linger for days.

[touch]:: Name 2 things (objects, body parts, etc...) that you don´t like other people to touch and why. My hair and shoulders. I don't like the feeling/sensation of the touch.

[hearing]:: What are the 2 sounds/noises that most irritate you and why? The alarm clock because then I know it's time to get out of bed and sirens because it means someone is in danger.

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