3x Thursday:: Motivation (or lack there of)
1. Are you very motivated (in general)? No, I'm actually very unmotivated. I become bored very easily and quickly. Hence, my apathy. How do you gauge that type of thing? I just Feel it. Initially, I'm like, totally jazzed and just as quickly, it tapers to nothing! Or, if I do sustain interest, I expect others to maintain an equal level or higher.
Example: We're working on a project together. I handle the web aspect and you handle your specialty. However, I need your input/content to complete and update my portion. You become distracted - repeatedly - causing many starts and hang ups and eventually decide you're now gung ho and ready. I'm bored and long gone!
2. When you need to be motivated to do something, and you're not, how do you stop procrastinating and just do it? What do you tell yourself? I make a pact with myself that I'm going to start the project and work at it for 20 minutes (that's the limit that works best for me). I set the timer for 20 minutes and begin the project. When the buzzer sounds, if I'm feeling good and wish to continue, I reset the timer for 30 minutes and so on.
Once I've decided that I've had enough, I note my accomplishment - not what remains to be done - and leave it on a positive note. I tell myself that it wasn't that bad afterall and return the next day with the same plan.
3. What happens when you're unmotivated about life in general? I have two spirituality-related books that I read and they always help realign my thinking. Never the same way twice, either. Why do we get like that? I really think the negative energy of those around me and the media's barrage of violence, death and despair eventually affect me. How do you get out of that funk? I read my two favorite books, get out in nature, meditate, light candles and listen to music. I also abstain from the news in all forms. You'd be amazed at how not knowing what's going on can be a wonderful thing.
Bonus Question for Comments: Is the glass half empty, or half full? It's always half full - always! If my energy is negative, I'm going to invite more negative energy to me. There's an abundance of negativity in daily life. I do not intend to add to it.
Thursday Threesome
::Three Ring Circus::
Onesome: Three- What do you think the T3 should be next week? Just toss three words together; we'll do the rest! *g* Autumn, Daylight Savings Time, Cooler temps
Twosome: Ring- Are you a jewellery person? Is there any one item you wear every single day? Do you have any piercings? Where are they and did they hurt? I am not a jewelry person per se. I wear earrings and my wedding band daily. I'm not terribly fond of necklaces or bracelets, both have a tendency to get caught on things. I have two piercings per ear.
Threesome: Circus- Do you like the circus? What's your favorite act? Or is your life enough of a circus for you? I do enjoy the circus and my favorite is the trapeze artists. I am absolutely amazed at their skill and agility.
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