Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Guapo's Back

My friend just returned from three week's training in Pendleton. He's leaner and looks surprisingly relaxed - like he's been vacationing. He's been doing the exact opposite, however, doing manuevers six days a week for three weeks. I guess being an ex-Marine helps and in a class of 19, five were former Marines. Each round of manuevers found the five Marines front and center and Guapo loved every minute of it! LOL

I remember when former police chief Bernard Parks arrived in Los Angeles, his first order of business was to get the L.A.P.D. officers in shape. He wanted the force to become lean and mean and lose the donut shaped faces and bodies. Instead, the rank and file ran to their union crying for protection and assistance and to date, we still have Weeble-shaped officers. Engage an officer in a foot pursuit and chances are the accused will out run and beat the officer (in a one on one situation).

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