Friday, August 12, 2005

50 Biggest Nerds of all Time

Now that's an intriguing headline and story. I have to say, all honored are correctly pegged, especially when it comes to TV moments. Eric Alt, Jordan Burchette and Ky Henderson came up with some real gems in compiling their list.

Living in L.A. and experiencing the traffic delays endemic to any metropolitan city, I have sat in my car idling, signal light after red light, waiting for my turn. It's also crossed my mind more times than I care to admit, that I wish I had a Traffic Hacking device to turn all lights ahead of me green. Such devices do exist, but using them is a crime.

Finally, Apple Inc. needs to learn to embrace what caused people to switch and accept their individuality, instead of Apple-fying them! BTW, I love Apple's Switch commercials.

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