Thursday, August 18, 2005

Computer DVD Players

When I bought my first computer with a DVD player, I thought it was a dumb idea. I don't travel much, so I have little need for watching DVDs on the computer. I already had two DVD players in the house and a big screen TV, so why would I want to watch anything on a small computer screen? The new desktop arrived and it also had a DVD player/CDRW combo, the CDRW's a must have, but again, I could leave the DVD player.

Well, yesterday while I tried to view a S-VCD on my DVD players, I finally figured out what computer DVD players are good for. The only way to view the S-VCD was to download the proper codec onto my desktop and view it on the 17 inch monitor. I was styling, enjoying my S-VCD and greatly, greatly relieved that I had two options about where to view it. I never knew a S-VCD could look so good. I'd swear that it's broadcast quality or better.

Suddenly, sitting in front of my computer viewing a movie/show wasn't so dumb after all. Now I could understand and appreciate why a computer DVD player is a must have. I was prepped in my comfortable chair, water for sipping at the ready, Boo in an adjacent chair and the glow of the show filling the den. What show you ask? Why, the good Doctor, that's Who. Doctor Who has been resurrected in the U.K. and I am able to enjoy him in the states. How could a gal ask for anything more!?!

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